Omaha Music Therapy LLC

Music.  When many of us think of music, we think of songs we hear on the radio, dancing, concerts or entertainment.  But music is also a powerful medium.  I worked with a little boy with autism who self-stimulated on “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” instead of hitting himself, rocking, or hand flapping.  A young man with cerebral palsy had difficulty moving his arms, but would beat a drum during his music therapy sessions with me. I provided music therapy to a teenage girl with autism who could not pay attention to a task for more than a few minutes, but would focus on music therapy for 30 minutes.  

There is a power in the notes, rhythms, and silences that makes music wonderfully therapeutic.  Music has many beneficial characteristics.  It is a success-oriented medium where each person has the opportunity to create—regardless of ability level or developmental limitations. Music maintains attention and structures time in an understandable way. It gives meaning and joy to repetitive exercises. It provides a safe social space and is an effective memory aid. It provides immediate feedback and evokes emotions and memories. Music Therapy pulls these musical aspects together and creates an environment where one can achieve therapeutic goals using music. 

I absolutely love this work and am passionate about helping my clients reach their full potential with the help of music.  I would love to speak with you about your needs and what I can do to help.  Please contact me with any questions you might have.  I look forward to working with you!

What are people saying?

"I am so grateful for the service you provided for our program. Your positive and engaging attitude towards the individuals was gentle, kind, and welcoming. I also wanted to share with you the positive remarks I heard from many of the staff that came with the participants, one of them sent your name and Omaha Music Therapy to their coordinator, and another said she hasn't seen the individual smile and move that much in a long time, and it brought joy to her to see her so happy. I noticed that some participants were having such a great time, that I, having done this for two years now, haven't seen them that engaged! " (Program Coordinator)

"He is mentally doing better.  It's been so good for his depression.  I can't thank you enough for this."  M.T. (Daughter of a client)

"I want to add my unreserved endorsement of Emily as a first-rate music therapist.  Her compassion, knowledge, skill set, and professionalism are there at every session with my son, M, who has Down syndrome, and he has benefitted greatly from working with Emily."  Q.S. (Parent of Client)

"Thank you for letting me into your space, for answering my questions, and for allowing me to observe you in action. I am quite impressed with your ability to communicate with your clients through music. I see the value of what you do, and I appreciate that you are dedicating yourself to helping others. Thank you for giving me your time and sharing your hard earned wisdom."   K.G. (An RN who shadowed Emily)

"I think of you often when listening to Christmas music. Your wonderful music made N so happy - as it did the rest of us. You have a beautiful voice and a magic touch which reminds us there is more goodness in the world than there are all the bad things we hear about too often."  R.F. (Sibling of client)

"Emily is amazing! There is so much going on during the half hour session it takes a little bit for me to absorb it all. Since T. has started music therapy I have noticed an increase in eye contact and more self-initiated peer interaction, her teachers have even commented on the positive changes! Music therapy is the coolest half hour we spend each week. I would recommend Emily to anyone who has a child that is diagnosed with Autism!” K.S. (Parent of client)

"Your work with R. has improved his confidence and vocabulary/speech more than any other strategies and therapies. Thank you, thank you. "  C.E. (spouse of client)

 "Wow I was very impressed!  [The music therapy session] is the first time since R's stroke that I heard him put so many words together."  G.U.  (friend of client)

"My recommendation for anyone thinking about working with Emily in any Music Therapy setting is to seize the opportunity. She is a wonderful human being, a talented Music Therapist; and she genuinely enjoys her clients. She is professional, caring and compassionate, musically gifted, and continually offers her clients what is beneficial for them."  J. S.  (colleague)